
Friday, September 24, 2010

Pro-Israel Leaders Urge UN to Indict Ahmadenijad

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadenijad addressed members of the United Nations Thursday.

His speech came as a group of influential pro-Israel leaders are pressing the UN to indict Ahmadenijad for incitement to genocide over his frequent calls for Israel's destruction.

Pastor John Hagee's organization, Christians United for Israel, has released a video featuring Sen. Joe Lieberman, Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel, Jewish leader Malcolm Hoenlein, and attorney Alan Dershowitz calling for Ahmadenijad's prosecution in an international tribunal.

"The next time Mahmoud Ahamdenijad appears before an international body, it must not be as an honored guest at the UN General Assembly--it must be as a defendant in the International Criminal Court dock," they say in a video montage at the start of the clip.

The group is calling on all Americans to sign a petition that will be presented to the office of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice.


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