
Friday, September 24, 2010

New Jersey Abortion Clinic Closes After State Funding Cut

A New Jersey Planned Parenthood office is closing its doors forever after Gov. Chris Christie cut state taxpayer funding to the abortion giant -- and the state senate failed to over-ride his decision.

The Cherry Hill, N.J. office is operated by Planned Parenthood of Southern New Jersey. It stands to lose as much as $160,000 in taxpayer funds, because of Christie's decision.

"We applaud the senators who voted 'no' to override Governor Christie's veto of S2139," Marie Tasy, head of New Jersey Right to Life, told LifeNews. "This debate was never about health care. It is about advancing a political agenda and rewarding friends and a radical special interest group with our tax dollars."

"We commend Governor Christie for his steadfast opposition to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse and for working to promote the best health care for all NJ citizens," she added.

The center does not perform abortions, but it gives abortion referrals to other Planned Parenthood offices located in Hamilton Square, Princeton, and Trenton.

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