
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Florida Minister Pastor Terry Jones Cancels Burning of Korans on 9/11 - Donald Trump offer to buy off one of the investor to defuse situation.

The Florida pastor who had planned to burn Korans on Saturday in opposition of Islam has called off the event after he claims a deal was reached to move a proposed mosque near Ground Zero in New York City.

Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center said he agreed to cancel the Koran burning planned for this year's 9/11 anniversary after he received assurances that the Ground Zero mosque would be moved.

Jones claimed Imam Muhammad Musri of the Islamic Society of Central Florida told him officials behind the Islamic center would "guarantee" the mosque construction be moved.

However, Musri later clarified that he said the pastor was only offered a meeting with NYC Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, and that no deal had been made to move the mosque.

Jones will travel to New York City to meet with Rauf Saturday. The imam has indicated that the mosque location is not up for negotiation.

"I asked him three times, and I have witnesses," Jones said. "If it's not moved, then I think Islam is a very poor example of religion. I think that would be very pitiful. I do not expect that."
Pastor Terry Jones controverisal and said Islam is of the devil and Burn the koran day.

Jones also said he received a phone call from Defense Secretary Robert Gates, urging his church to cancel the Koran burnings.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is trying to buy out one of the major investors of the Ground Zero mosque for the cost of the land plus 25 percent.

"I am making this offer as a resident of New York and citizen of the United States," Trump said in a statement Thursday. "Not because I think the location is a spectacular one, because it is not. But because it will end a serious inflammatory and highly-divisive situation that is destined, in my opinion, to only get worse."

Aside from the cash offer, Trump also requested the group move the construction at least five blocks away from its current site. Rauf has also not responded to Trump's offer.


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