
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Banning alcohol advertising will reduce alcohol abuse, says senate candidate

Family First Senate Candidate for Queensland Wendy Francis says a common sense approach to tackling alcohol abuse among young people would be to ban alcohol advertising altogether.

The Senate Candidate says tobacco advertising has been banned because of the destructive health risk,and alcohol is no less a risk, particularly among young people.

“Drinking alcohol is often portrayed in advertising as a glamorous pastime associated with happy socialising. Advertising, however, doesn't mention that alcohol is the main drug of abuse in this country, producing problems of epidemic proportions,” says Wendy Francis.

She says it is a major cause of road accidents, hospital admissions, a long list of diseases, suicides, family breakdown, homelessness, crime and workplace absenteeism. “And apart from the human carnage, all this costs the national economy hundreds of millions of dollars annually.”

Wendy Francis says Family First works to protect children and young people from drug and alcohol abuse, and they are strongly opposed to anything that eats at the fabric of society and destroys lives.

“Banning the advertising of alcohol would go a long way towards controlling binge-drinking, and Western Australia is leading the way,” she says. The West Australian government has moved to ban alcohol advertising on television up to 9.30pm.

“The Federal Government has acknowledged the health and social problems associated with alcohol abuse, so they need to follow through by at least putting some restrictions on advertising,” she says.


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